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Herefordshire (South & East) Methodist Circuit
Eco Church

As a church, we are trying to improve our world. We gained the Silver Eco Church Award, in December 2022, which is awarded by A Rocha UK.
This process involves looking at all aspects of the church and those who use the building, both on church and home level.
We are now working towards the Gold Award.

Herefordshire Council have launched a campaign to protect the county’s environment and wildlife from the future effects of climate change. It forms a crucial part of the county’s response to the climate emergency and the vision to realise carbon neutrality county-wide by 2030.
Herefordshire needs all of us to play our part in reducing our footprint on the climate and on nature. Many Herefordshire partners, including the council, have already pledged to be zero carbon by 2030. Could you do the same?
The Greener Footprints campaign invites everyone in the county to start on the journey to zero carbon by measuring their footprint, then taking action to make it ‘greener.’
The campaign will consist of a range of initiatives and activities to educate those living, working, and running businesses in the county about the need for climate and nature action now. It will also encourage everyone to appreciate and connect with the natural environment that we are so lucky to have around us due our location in one of the most rural areas of the UK.
One section of the award looks at our individual carbon footprints. You can use the calculator below to look at your own carbon footprint.
For more information on Eco Churches please visit A Rocha UK.
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