Herefordshire (South & East) Methodist Circuit
Ledbury Debt Centre
Brought to you by LEAF & Ledbury Methodist Church

Contact us on Ledbury Talkline - 01531 598007
To book an appointment with a debt adviser call - 0800 328 0006
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a Christian charity founded in Bradford, West Yorkshire by John Kirkby in 1996. It is a national organisation specialising in debt counselling for people in financial difficulty, including those in need of bankruptcy or insolvency. It also provides Job Clubs for those seeking employment and Fresh Start Courses for people looking to overcome addictions and dependencies.
It works with the local church to support people through their journey of debt and seeks to offer them emotional and spiritual support along the way, through linking them into local church communities where appropriate.
Currently 10 people become debt free and 3 people become Christians each day through CAP’s support.
Ledbury Debt Centre is brought to you by the Church of Ledbury charity LEAF (Locally Encouraging all to Flourish) and Ledbury Methodist Church. Supported by Herefordshire Talk Community.
Ledbury Debt Centre works with Ledbury Foodbank and CAP Malvern to help folks become debt free. We also offer the CAP Money Course.
More information about what CAP does see here.
See the inspirational videos of how CAP has changed see here.